Il perimetro di industrie culturali, creative e turismo: specializzazioni e implicazioni di policy in Italia (The territorial mapping of cultural and creative industries and tourism: specializations and policy implications in Italy)


  • Maria Della Lucia
  • Giovanna Segre



cultural and creative industries, tourism, cultural output and creative input-based criteria, Local Labour Systems, specialization indexes, territorial mapping, policy


Purpose of the paper: This contribution provides a country specific and yet wide-ranging classification of the Italian culture and creative industries (including tourism), and measures the extent to which Italian local systems have specialized in these industries. The aim is to support effective decision making in domains which have a strategic role in sustainable place development and innovation.

Methodology: A combination of approaches, based on cultural output and creative input, is used to identify the culture and creative, and tourism, industries. The specialization in the above industries at the inter-municipal level is calculated by extending, and adaptating, well-established quantitative methodologies used in studies on industrial districts.

Results: The study provides a picture of the economy of culture and tourism in Italian macro-regions and regions in terms of companies and workers. In addition, it measures and maps the specialization of local systems in cultural heritage, material culture, media and new media, tourism throughout the national territory. Local systems have diversified in these industries, but material culture and tourism predominate, both in terms of the number of specialized systems and levels of specialization.

Research limitations: Exploratory and quantitative analysis. The data source focuses on industry and private services. Public and no-profit sectors are excluded.

Practical implications: To foster sustainable place development and innovation, policy making should go beyond narrow tourism policies and the tourist marketing of cultural heritage and develop interactions and synergies between sectors and sector-specific policies.

Originality of the paper: Interdisciplinary approach to the definition of the culture and creative industries and tourism; the specialization in these industries is calculated at a local level of analysis.


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