Turismo crocieristico e percezioni della popolazione residente: i risultati di un’analisi cluster (Cruise tourism and perceptions of the resident population: the results of a cluster analysis)


  • Giacomo Del Chiappa
  • Giuseppe Melis
  • Marcello Atzeni




cruise tourism, community-based tourism, socio-demographic characteristics, Mediterranean area, Sardinia


Purpose of the paper: This study profiles a sample of residents in Cagliari based on their perceptions toward the impacts of cruise activity, and investigates whether significant differences among clusters exist based on socio-demographic characteristics of respondents.

Methodology: This study applies a factor-cluster analysis approach to profile a stratified sample (district of residence, age and gender) of 1,034 residents in the city of Cagliari.

Findings: Five clusters of residents were identified, namely: “indifferents”, “critics”, “cautious”, “supporters” and “cultural lovers”. Findings show that there are significant differences between the five clusters, based solely on level of education, occupation and geographical proximity to tourist areas.

Research limitations: This study is highly site specific, thus rendering the findings hardly generalizable. Further, it does not investigate the role that other intrinsic factors and psychographic variables may exert in discriminating residents’ perceptions.

Pratical implications: This study provides useful information for destination marketers and policymakers attempting to plan and implement internal marketing strategies aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the messages they deliver with the aim of highlighting the beneficial balance between positive and negative impacts of cruise tourism in the city.

Originality of the paper: Recently academic literature has started to devote attention to analyse residents’ perceptions toward cruise development. Despite this, little attention has been devoted to cruise tourism destinations in the Mediterranean area, and even less in Italy. Further, to the best of our knowledge none of existing studies have been carried out considering an area sample.


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