Le determinanti dei processi di in/outsourcing della funzione commerciale nelle pmi. Il caso del settore edile (The determinants of the processes of in/outsourcing of the commercial function in SMEs. The case of the construction sector)


  • Oronzo Trio




outsourcing, trade-industry relationship, construction sector, residential product


Purpose of the paper: The aim of the paper is to understand and to analyse the determinants of the in/outsourcing processes in a sample of small and medium enterprises in the residential markets.
Methodology: Multiple case study approach by in-depth interviews.
Findings: The findings reveal in the sample a prevalent attitude to insource the selling function in order to have a direct relationship with the customers and to suggest them the most suitable residential product.
Research limits: The research involved only small and medium enterprises so it needs to be extended to large firms in order to verify if any differences exist in the approach adopted.
Practical implications: The paper presents some interesting elements both for the building enterprises management and for the real estate agents because it highlights the specific problems of selling activities and the customer relationship.
Originality of the paper: This work provides a first contribution to bridge the gap found in the management studies on the topic of outsourcing processes and on the trade-industry relationships in the construction industry.


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