The evolution of tourism in the digital era: the case of a tourism destination


  • Fabiana Sciarelli
  • Valentina Della Corte
  • Giovanna Del Gaudio



tourism evolution, digital era, informative syndrome, fake competitive news


Purpose of the paper: This paper studies the recent changes in the tourism business because of the increasing amount of information on the web and the consequent level of uncertainty and complexity, both for the demand and for the firms.

Methodology: This paper systematises the process of evolution in tourism in the digital era and its consequences for tourist destinations. The topic is verified empirically through a panel of experts and case study methodology to study the experts’ opinions on the process, with reference to the city of Naples.

Findings: The tourism sector has been one of the first mover sectors in ICT and digital development, with consequent evolution of the value chain and businessto-consumer relationships. The growing amount of available information has paradoxically generated an ‘informative syndrome’, which at times makes these relationships more difficult and complex.

Research limits: This paper indicates the limit of studying the issue with reference to a single case study. It represents a first step of wider research that will require further analysis, both in terms of the number of case studies and with reference to demand.

Practical implications: The quality of information and professionalism are of fundamental importance in a sector characterised by dynamism and turbulence. Marketing policies require a total revision both for firms and for tourist destinations.

Originality of the paper: This paper considers numerous aspects of the tourism sector, both on the offer and demand side. Its originality derives from the analysis of the evolution of this sector for tourists and firms, in the face of the informative syndrome issue.


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