Tipici e turismo: un network per creare valore. Il caso del Franciacorta (Typical and tourism: a network to create value. The case of Franciacorta)


  • Monica Fait


cooperative strategies;, value creation;, relationship between agro - food tourism;


Purpose of the paper: The aim of this research is to propose a model for measuring the value generated from participation in a network composed of typical agro-food and wine tourism companies.

Methodology: After defined a hypothetical value construct and explicated the drivers that make it up, the paper propones a model for its quantification based on a theoretical construct, then empirically verified.

Results: Knowing the value-creating drivers of the inter-sectorial relation becomes very important for the governance of those territories which wishing to operate for enhancing the relationship among typical product-food&wine culture-tourism.

Research limits: Limitations are related to the theoretical and empirical methodology used above, concerned to the model application which, in fact, requires adjustments when applied in different territorial areas and/or sector.

Managerial implications: The analysis model has some potential applications (in considered areas) for those territories who want to rethink the relational logics.

Originality: The observation of the relationship between two economic sectors which today are looking for an increasing dialogue for creating value together.


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http://www.bresciatoday.it/politica/francesca-moretti-franciacorta.htm; http://www.winepress24.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=1867:rilancio-del-turismo-in-franciacorta-arrivato-a-oltre-200000-presenze-annue&Itemid=80




