Improving public sector performance by using business process modelling and measurement: a case study analysis


  • Renata Gabryelczyk
  • Piotr Kulesza
  • Elzbieta Rakowska



business process modelling; measurement of business processes; BPM; public sector; public administration


Purpose of the paper: The main purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the use of business process modelling and measurement as basic Business Process Management techniques to improve Enterprise Resource Planning systems and existing processes in public sector institutions.

Methodology: The research methodology used is a single case study of a Polish public sector institution. The selected process has been modelled in an as-is and to-be state, i.e. before and after the organisational change and implementation of an ERP system.

Results: The measurement of cost, time, quality and throughput capacity of a process demonstrates specific improvements and thereby proves an increase in the efficiency of public sector institutions. The author indicates that business process modelling and measurement are techniques useful in both the area of design and implementation of IT systems, as well as the design and improvement of an organisation.

Research limitations: The main limitation of this research is the analysis of merely one process in a single institution with virtually no comparative analysis.

Practical implications: The implementation of effectiveness and efficiency indicators as criteria for the public institution evaluation gives rise to the appreciation of the BPM concept as the appropriate management method in the public sector.

Research results can be used as recommendations for policy makers who plan and evaluate projects to improve the efficiency of public institutions.

Originality of the paper: The results of this study can contribute to the existing body of knowledge on BPM in the public sector. The uniqueness of the study arises from the merging of three research areas: improving performance of the public sector; the evaluation of cost-effectiveness IT projects in public administration; and, business process modelling and measurement applied to the aforementioned two areas.



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