Investigating the links between the use of the internet, value co-creation, and customer satisfaction in the banking sector


  • Vincenzo Formisano
  • Andrea Moretta Tartaglione
  • Maria Fedele
  • Ylenia Cavacece



internet banking; value co-creation; customer satisfaction; banking sector; regression analysis


Purpose of the paper: Because of the 2007 financial crisis, the necessity for banks to (re)build a strong dialogue with customers and improve their satisfaction has been particularly felt. Marketing scholars respond to this challenge by encouraging value co-creation initiatives. The aim of this paper is to analyse the role of Internet banking in stimulating value co-creation processes and the consequent effects on customer satisfaction.

Methodology: Based on a review of literature on Internet banking, value co-creation, and customer satisfaction in the banking sector, the links between these variables are theoretically outlined and tested through an empirical investigation. Results are analysed with a regression analysis.

Results: The results show how, by leveraging digital channels, real-time interactions and advanced advisory services can be implemented in order to encourage clients to participate in the process and meet their own needs, thus increasing their satisfaction.

Practical implications: To practitioners, the study provides suggestions on how to improve customer satisfaction by offering opportunities for clients to access services and products through Internet technologies and encouraging them to become increasingly active in the co-creation process.

Originality and value: Although the literature on banking management is prolific with regard to studies on Internet banking, value co-creation, and customer satisfaction, these dimensions are often studied separately. This work is the first useful attempt to investigate the links between these dimensions and to test them with an empirical analysis.



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