The drivers of the intention to cruise during the Covid-19 pandemic: the role of the willingness to share personal information
intention to cruise; willingness to share personal information; trust; reputation; Covid-19Abstract
Purpose of the paper: The recent Covid-19 crisis has increased consumers’ need/obligation to share personal data with companies, which may have an impact on the intention to buy. Our study explores this issue focusing on the cruise industry, where we investigate the mediating role of the willingness to share personal information in the relation between the intention to cruise and different antecedents.
Methodology: We performed a PLS-SEM applied to a sample of 661 Italian cruisers.
Results: We found that, during the current Covid-19 scenario, the intention to cruise is primarily affected by familiarity and reputation. The willingness to share highly sensitive information mediates the relation between trust in the personnel, familiarity, corporate reputation and the intention to cruise.
Research limitations: The main limitation is related to the focus on Italian respondents. Secondly, the data collection method was Internet-based and one-shot, while an experimental methodology and/or a longitudinal exploration could provide more robust results.
Practical implications: This study provides some managerial implications aimed at reinforcing the positive attitude of potential consumers to share personal information.
Originality of the paper: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first specific study aimed at investigating the relationship between the willingness to share personal information and the intention to buy in the cruise industry, examining the role of several antecedents such as multilayer trust, familiarity, corporate reputation and health risk perception.
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