Silver entrepreneurship: a new trend in startups


  • Fabio Greco University Federico II of Naples
  • Marco Tregua University Federico II of Naples
  • Francesco Carignani University Federico II of Naples
  • Francesco Bifulco



Silver Entreprenurship; Startup;


Purpose of the paper: The aim of this study is investigating the motivations behind the choice of becoming entrepreneurs over the age of 50 and the possibilities they have of being supported by training and education programs for entrepreneurship.

Methodology: The study adopts a qualitative approach. A matrix is built according to two key topics from literature review and used to report case studies aiming at offering a description of the dynamics of silver entrepreneurs to clarify the reasons behind their rather unique choice.

Findings: The results attempt to highlight the ways in which mature entrepreneurs seek the benefits of starting new careers through their startups.

Research limits: The study would require further information on the resources and skills available and needed by entrepreneurs over 50 starting a new start-up.

Practical implications: this research deepens the understanding of the possible positive local economic impact of entrepreneurs over 50 who have founded a startup. We also identify that entrepreneurial training programs enable the proliferation of new business ventures in the startup ecosystem, particularly for silver entrepreneurs with a background other than being a businessman, manager or business owner.

Originality of the paper: Through this study, the authors propose a new combination of variables such as skills, business background and motivations to start new businesses for people over the age of 50.

Author Biographies

Marco Tregua, University Federico II of Naples

Department of Economics, Management, Istitution

Francesco Carignani, University Federico II of Naples

Department of Economics, Manasgement, Istitution 

Francesco Bifulco

Department of Humanities Studies


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