Alternative platform-based market-entry models and strategies: a smart construction case study
platforms, data-driven solutions, entry models, smart construction, case studyAbstract
Frame of the research. Despite the expanded research and innovation activities around smart construction, there is still a lack of empirical studies of platform business emergence and related market-entry models and strategies. Studies have focused more on the technologies themselves and the single-firm level, but less on platform-based value compositions at the ecosystem level.
Purpose of the paper. The purpose of this study is to increase empirical understanding on the emergence of platform-based business from an ecosystem perspective and to examine related alternative market-entry models and strategies in smart construction.
Methodology. The empirical study is based on a longitudinal qualitative and multi-method case study, conducted in Finland between September 2020 and December 2021.
Results. First, the study demonstrated the emergence of platform-based business from an ecosystem perspective and co-design of related alternative market-entry models and strategies in smart construction. Second, five alternative platform-based entry models were classified with preferences among ecosystem actors. Further, platform-based entry models seemed to embed several optional platform entry strategies. Third, the findings indicated a critical role of the clear visionary leader for orchestrating and facilitating a co-evolutionary process.
Research limitations. This empirical study is based on a single case study in the ongoing co-evolution state. Thus, the findings are only tentative and open avenues for further studies.
Practical implications. The paper provides a deeper understanding on platform ecosystem emergence in smart construction in platform ecosystem establishment. Particularly, the adjusted conceptual frameworks may support ecosystem orchestrators and involved actors when evaluating alternative market-entry models and strategies for further development.
Originality of the paper. The paper brings new empirical insights to identified research gaps by demonstrating complex and dynamic emergence and co-evolution of platform-based innovation towards co-designing alternative platform-based market entry models and strategies from an ecosystem perspective in smart construction.
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