The intelligent use of twitter ecosystems by destination management organizations


  • Maria Della Lucia
  • Angelo Presenza
  • Rodolfo Baggio


Destination Management Organization, Destination knowledge and value, Digital business ecosystem, Influential player, Social Media


Purpose of the paper: The paper examines the use of Twitter by destination management organizations in terms of the content communicated and shared and who are the influential players that shape the knowledge conveyed in the ecosystems. It also deepens how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted these ecosystems.

Methodology: The analysis combines traditional content analysis techniques with modern topic modeling using the specific case of Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ), the state-level DMO in Queensland, Australia.

Findings: The analyses of the two “Twitter ecosystems” managed by TEQ have shown that not only does each ecosystem have its own knowledge domain and distinguishing characteristics in terms of variety and representativeness of stakeholder category, but it is the influence of the latter that matters in shaping the knowledge domain.

Research limits: The paper deals with a single case study with destination-specific characteristics. It follows that findings cannot necessarily be generalized to other contexts. Longitudinal evaluation studies are also needed to assess the paths taken in terms of stakeholders engaged, themes covered, and tools used by DMOs.

Practical implications: Findings revealed how Twitter is a destination-knowledge-management tool that can be used actively and intentionally by DMOs as intelligent agents to create and manage destination-knowledge in different environments.

Originality of the paper: This paper sheds new light on the intelligent exploitation, by a DMO, of Twitter to enhance destination knowledge management and value creation.


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