Value creation flies in the sky: the role of resource access and mobilization
value creation, resource access, resource mobilization, airline industryAbstract
Purpose of the paper: The aim of the paper is to explore the relationship between access to network resources, resource mobilization and value creation in the context of the airline industry. Hence, the paper contributes towards the comprehension of the process of value creation, examining whether airline companies have access to network resources and to what extent exploit these resources according to a new configuration that is at the base of resource mobilization.
Methodology: This study adopts a quantitative approach in order to reach a broader audience in a fast way. The idea to proceed with a quantitative methodology originates from the willingness to capture aspects that previous studies have not caught. To test the hypotheses, we adopt the Partial Least Squares-Path Modeling (PLS-PM) algorithm using the module R-package.
Findings: The findings underline two important aspects. On one side, there is a correlation between access to network resources, resource mobilization and value creation in terms of firm's performance. On the other, the paper reveals that, although airline companies tend to cooperate according to different forms, efforts towards value creation in terms of sustainability do not transpire since companies do not operate in that direction.
Research limits: The research limits can be ascribed to the number of companies the sample contains. Furthermore, future research on the topic may enrich themselves through the adoption of a qualitative methodology, in particular interviews to managers, able to capture additional dynamics.
Practical implications: The results show future direction for the managers of the airline industry. Indeed, future directions should be in the field of value co-creation in the field of sustainability.
Originality of the paper: This paper tends to capture the nature of value creation at network level both in terms of firm's performance and sustainability.
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