Exploring the relationship between attendees’ motivation, satisfaction and loyalty in the context of a home-grown festival


  • Sonia Caterina Giaccone
  • Marco Galvagno


home-grown festival, cultural heritage, motivation, satisfaction, festival loyalty, destination loyalty


Purpose of the paper: This study addresses the topic of home-grown festivals, which help to promote local cultural heritage and have also a social significance beyond tourism. Specifically, it explores the relationships between attendees’ motivations, satisfaction and loyalty.

Methodology: Data were collected from 227 participants to the Maiorchino Festival, which is performed annually in an ancient town in South Italy. This festival has handed down over time a local cultural tradition based on a typical product of the area, the Maiorchino cheese. A principal component analysis, a multiple linear regression and three logistic regressions were performed to test the hypotheses.

Findings: The analysis reveals that, contrary to previous studies, festival satisfaction affects destination loyalty, but not festival loyalty. It also confirms that motivational factors affect perceived satisfaction with the festival, and that socialization also influences festival loyalty.

Practical implications: This study provides several insights to local managers, to exploit home-grown festivals as effective marketing tools to expand tourism flows and destination loyalty in small towns, by improving the overall satisfaction in attendee experience.

Limitations of the research: Since we analyzed a single case study, the results may lack generalizability. Therefore, further research is encouraged to test the hypotheses within other festival contexts.

Originality of the paper: This study extends the findings of previous research on home-grown festivals, showing that, contrary to previous studies, attendees’ satisfaction affects destination loyalty, but not festival loyalty.


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