Wine web 2.0: digital communication and tourist netnography. Opportunities for new entrepreneurship


  • Monica Fait
  • Federica Cavallo
  • Paola Scorrano
  • Lea Iaia



web wine tourism communication, netnography of wine tourists, wine web 2.0


Purpose of the paper: The paper aims to examine online communication of  wine tourism destinations and their users in order to identify strategic approaches potentially suitable for the development of: 1) new web communication formats; and 2) innovative entrepreneurial formulae that meet the expectations of increasingly demanding and expert customers.

Methodology: These aims are pursued by means of various methods: a) official wine tourism destination websites were investigated with the use of the text mining technique; and b) wine tourists’ online discussions were analysed with the use of text mining and the results were netnographically investigated.

Findings: The analysis enables the search for information, which aims to: a) identify the most frequently used keyword and thematic messages by official wine tourism destination websites; b) profile wine tourists who speak of wine tourism destinations under study.

Research limitation: The two main limitations of the study are: (i) the analysis has been conducted only on the wine destination websites, which are less interactive than social networks; and (ii) the netnographic approach used is of the observational kind and thus doesn’t provide any interaction with wine tourists themselves.

Research and managerial implications: In managerial terms, the results of the analysis of user-generated content can be used to (re)direct communicational strategies and develop a more innovative and personalised tourist offer.

Originality/value of paper: The originality of the research lies in the application of research methods that enable interesting research hypotheses, although they are still infrequently used in tourism marketing studies.


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