User engagement with the VR-based metaverse in the brand experience: A consumer perspective


  • Maria Vernuccio Sapienza Università di Roma
  • Sara Boccalini La Sapienza, Università di Roma
  • Michela Patrizi Sapienza Università di Roma



user engagement, virtual reality, metaverse, brand experience, in-depth interviews, consumer perspective


The VR-based metaverse may play a role in the technology-mediated user experience, as VR can create immersive virtual environments suitable for conveying impactful marketing activities. Thus, this new experiential context offers novel opportunities for user engagement and consumer response.
Our study explores the perceptual factors influencing multidimensional VR engagement, i.e., the cognitive, emotional, and behavioural dimensions, and the related branding outcomes in a VR metaverse brand experience.
Given the complex and contemporary nature of the phenomenon, we adopt an abductive qualitative methodology, conducting in-depth interviews with Generation Z users with experience in immersive VR technologies. We focus on the Nike Jordan “Jumpman Zone” experience in the Fortnite metaverse.
Brand attitude ex ante and perceived immersion are the main perceptual factors impacting the different dimensions of VR engagement and consumer brand identification, image and recall, the related branding outcomes achievable in a metaverse brand experience.
Future research could include consumers with no experience with VR reality technologies from other generations to explore expertise- and age-based differences, using quantitative samples to test the relationships among the focal themes in this study.
Our study offers managerial guidelines for developing branding strategies in VR-based metaverses, identifying the main deployable strategic pillars (activities and objectives).
We deepen both the literature on user engagement and the nascent research on branding in the VR-based metaverse, augmenting the related yet underresearched branding opportunities.

Author Biographies

Maria Vernuccio, Sapienza Università di Roma

Full Professor of Marketing - Department of Management

Sara Boccalini, La Sapienza, Università di Roma

PhD Student - Department of Management

Michela Patrizi, Sapienza Università di Roma

RTD-A - Department of Management


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