Blockchain technology adoption in food label systems. The impact on consumer purchase intentions.


  • Fabiana Sepe University of Naples Federico II



blockchain technology, food label, behavioral intention


Frame of the research: Food labels have a significant impact on shaping consumers’ intentions to purchase food products. The adoption of the Blockchain technology into food labels holds potential as an effective technology to enhance the data accessible to consumers, thereby shaping their purchasing patterns.

Purpose of the paper: This study adopts the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology as a theoretical framework to understand how blockchain technology adoption in food label systems may influence consumers’ intentions toward purchasing labeled food.

Methodology: A research model with six hypotheses has been developed and tested on a sample of 781 users. The proposed model also highlights the importance of perceived trust and perceived product transparency on customers’ purchase intentions. Data have been analyzed adopting a PLS-SEM approach.

Findings: Results show that the adoption of Blockchain technology to protect information throughout the food supply chain can positively influence consumers’ purchase intentions.

Research limits: This work has some limitations, which could serve as a pathway for future investigations. First, it has been conducted within a single country (Italy). Then, even though it meets the required sample size for conducting analysis, future studies could enhance the number of observations to further reinforce this study’s findings.

Practical implications: This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the role of Blockchain technology in the food industry by providing empirical evidence of its potential as a valuable tool to sustain company purchases.

Originality of the paper: This study advances scientific knowledge of blockchain technology in the specific context of the food sector.


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