Overdesign e sviluppo del nuovo prodotto: un’indagine sul ruolo dei bias cognitivi nei processi decisionali dei progettisti


  • Valeria Belvedere




innovation, overdesign, cognitive bias, behavioral operations, survey


Purpose of the paper: This paper deals with the problem of overdesign, i.e. the attitude of designers to develop products/services that exceed customers’ needs. Namely, the objective of the paper is twofold: 1) to check whether and to what extent cognitive biases drive overdesign; 2) to check whether some pricing policies and designers’ performance measurement systems can mitigate cognitive biases.
Methodology: A survey has been conducted among designers of design-based companies; 149 usable questionnaires have been collected.
Findings: A factor analysis has been carried out that has highlighted 3 dimensions of overdesign and 6 typologies of cognitive biases. Then, through a regression analysis it has been confirmed that cognitive biases drive the 3 dimensions of overdesign. Empirical evidence shows that the impact of pricing policies and performance measurement systems is rather weak.
Research limits: This paper suffers from the limits peculiar to survey-based studies. In particular, to confirm the evidence stemming from this paper, it could be worthwhile widening the sample and replicating this analysis in other industries.
Practical implications: This paper highlights the relevance of cognitive biases as drivers of overdesign and points out the necessity to conduct further analysis in order to understand how to “debias” the decision making process of the designers. In this regard, the effectiveness of specific pricing policies and performance measurement systems has been tested, but the outcomes only partially support this hypothesis.
Originality of the paper: This paper has analyzed a specific feature of the new product development process, i.e. overdesign, through a behavioral perspective, which is considered an innovative approach to the research in the field of innovation and operations management.


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