Fattori influenti sul ricorso ad Internet nei processi gestionali delle micro-imprese (Influential factors on the use of the Internet in the management processes of micro-enterprises)
SMEs, micro-enterprises, Internet, company size, internationalizationAbstract
Purpose of the paper: This paper aims to expand on the knowledge regarding the relationship between small businesses and Internet, and in particular it wants to analyze the main factors that influence the decision to use this technology.
Methodology: After a thorough analysis of the literature, a model was created and four hypotheses were developed (which were subsequently subjected to empirical testing on a sample of 600 firms), These are related to different factors that are relevant to the adoption of the Internet: company size, geographical location, the type of industry and the level of internationalization.
Findings: Statistical analysis carried out shows that the use of the Internet in the companies surveyed is still not so widespread, and that the decision to use this technology is influenced by the size of the company and the sector it operates in, while location is not a significant factor.
Limitations of research: The results of the research constitute the first phase of a larger research process. This research process also investigates the ways in which the Internet is used and related implications involved in the competitiveness of enterprises.
Practical implications: The paper highlights the limitations in the adoption of the Internet in micro-enterprises, and it tries to identify the causes of this situation. From these elements useful information can be derived for business management in terms of improving firm competitiveness.
Originality of the paper: Few studies on this topic have addressed the micro-enterprise sector, which among other sectors also holds a significant economic role in Italy and in Europe. This paper aims to fill this gap in order to understand the determinants and implications of the Internet for this particular type of companies.
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