Frequent is better when remote? How digitally mediated interactions with supervisor stimulate work engagement and extra-role performances of remote workers


  • Gabriele Boccoli Politecnico di Milano
  • Luca Gastaldi
  • Mariano Corso



Work Engagement, Relational cohesion theory, Perceived Supervisor Support, Perceived Organizational support, Performance extra-role, Remote Working


Purpose - Since Covid19 outbreak, several organizations are increasingly implementing forms of remote working. In this new normal, it is necessary to understand how organizations may guarantee the attachment of their employees to their job roles. This study argues that an ongoing frequency of interaction between supervisor and their collaborators, within a remote working context, may reinforce the relational and social cohesion within a team, leading its members to perceive more support from both their supervisors and the whole organization.

Design/methodology/approach - A survey has been administered to the 410 employees of an information consulting company that experienced remote working during the pandemic. Data have been analysed using structural equation modeling (SEM).

Findings - Results show that a higher frequency of interaction in remote working contexts reinforces internal social cohesion, stimulating extra-role performances, such as creativity, adaptivity, proactivity, and knowledge sharing, through the mediation of social support and work engagement. Implications for both academics and practitioners are discussed.

Practical implications - This research provides valuable insights for organizations navigating remote work. To enhance support and mitigate isolation, frequent interactions between supervisors and employees can foster work engagement and the extra-role performance of remote workers.

Originality - This study shows how an ongoing frequency of interaction with supervisors within remote working contexts helps employees to remain engaged in their job roles and to exhibit positive behaviors, mitigating the sense of isolation experienced during the pandemic.


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