Overcoming the barriers to the innovations diffusion through diffusion-oriented policies. The case of Li-Ion Battery for Electric Vehicles
diffusion of innovation, barriers to diffusion, diffusion policies, lithium batteries, electric carsAbstract
Purpose of the paper: The paper aims at developing a theoretical framework that links diffusion policies to the types of barriers to which theoretical models of diffusion of innovation implicitly or explicitly refer.
Methodology: The conceptual framework is based on an extended literature review. The model is applied to an empirical case: the technology policy applied to diffuse the Li-Ion battery for electric vehicles.
Findings: Literature has deeply analysed the policies for the development of innovations, but analysed the policies for innovations diffusion much less. To fill this gap, the study highlights that an effective approach to the diffusion of a new technology should be based on a careful analysis of the barriers to such diffusion and on a set of policies that simultaneously act on these barriers.
Research limits: Additional empirical studies are required to assess the applicability of the proposed conceptual framework.
Practical implications: The conceptual framework of this paper has implications for scholars and policy makers. For scholars the paper opens the path towards the deepening of a subject that is still little studied. For policy makers the research provides a conceptual tool to guide their choices in supporting the diffusion of relevant technologies.
Originality of the paper: The paper classifies the barriers to the diffusion of a new technology, providing a different perspective on theoretical studies on the diffusion of innovations. It proposes a theoretical framework that links policies supporting the dissemination of an innovation to the diffusion barriers for the first time. The potential explanatory power of the model is verified through a concrete case study.
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