Artificial intelligence in personal development from cradle to grave: a comprehensive review of HRD literature


  • Francesco Laviola
  • Nicola Cucari
  • Harry Novic



artificial intelligence; human resource management; human resource development; personal development; literature review; bibliometric analysis


Framing of the research. Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way organisations manage human resources, injecting new capabilities into human resource management (HRM). There is a pressing need to examine new and more effective approaches to human resource development (HRD).
Purpose of the paper. This paper aims to shed light on current knowledge of AI in the HRD domain, developing a comprehensive view of its role in the employee’s journey.
Methodology. Keyword co-occurrence analysis and bibliographic coupling analysis were performed on a total of 151 papers published between 2002 and 2022. A similarity visualisation programme (VOSviewer) was used to showcase the results visually.
Results. The findings highlight the top five authors, sources, papers, and institutions in terms of the prolificacy of contributions in the field. The relevant contribution of this study is the identification and classification of the main topics and research streams in the academic literature. Five main bibliographic clusters are identified, unveiling the five most prominent topics in the field: i) AI in HR and contextual factors; ii) AI in education and future skills; iii) AI Coaching with chatbots; iv) AI in HR recruitment and training; v) AI in soft skills development.
Research limitations. It should be acknowledged that the findings are rooted in one database, Scopus, and only publications in English were considered.
Managerial implications. We offer three theoretical and institutional implications for advancing further research on AI in HRD. Furthermore, we outline six major takeaways and future lines of research stemming from our findings, resulting in a novel framework that can also be of practical interest to companies.
Originality of the paper. This is the first bibliometric study in the HRD and AI field from the viewpoint of personal development. Thus, we provide a first systematisation of the contributions developed in the last twenty years in this novel field of research.


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