Il back-reshoring manifatturiero nei processi di internazionalizzazione: inquadramento teorico ed evidenze empiriche. (Manufacturing back-reshoring in the internationalization processes: theoretical framework and empirical evidence)
back-shoring, relocation, internationalization, off-shoring, near-reshoring, re-shoringAbstract
Purpose of the paper: The aim of the paper is to identify an operational definition for the back-reshoring and to characterize such an emerging phenomenon.
Methodology: We adopted an exploratory research methodology, which is useful to develop research hypotheses, even if obtained results are not generalizable to the population at large.
Findings: We offered a characterization of back-reshoring as part of the firm’s internationalization process, identifying differences with other phenomena (de-internationalization, international divestment, return repatriation). We also summarized and evaluated the available empirical evidence on back-reshoring and extended it by presenting the findings of an extensive data collection of cases of back-reshoring.
Practical implications: We define specific elements characterizing the off-shoring and back-reshoring phenomena which support companies in their decisions regarding manufacturing activities’ location.
Originality of the paper: Originality and research limits are both related to the adopted explorative research methodology. More specifically, while this approach is useful to guide the development of research hypotheses, its results are not generalizable to the population at large.
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