Crowdcrafting as a new manufacturing model: the experience of Berto Salotti
knowledge economy, experience economy, crowdsourcing, Made in Italy, quality craftmanship, value co-creation projectAbstract
Purpose of the paper: The paper aims to present two experimental projects (“#DivanoxManagua” and “#Sofa4Manhattan”) conducted by an Italian small-medium enterprise of the furniture industry in order to outline crowdcrafting as a new manufacturing model.
Methodology: An inductive research approach is followed. Our research strategy is a case study that works as an illustration and inspiration for new ideas.
Findings: Berto Salotti projects fully embodied Knowledge Economy principles are meaningful examples of Experience Economy and act as a good application of crowdsourcing logic as well. They do represent an empirical illustration of the “future craftmanship” approach.
Research limitations: The paper deals with one single case study, hardly generalizable, even if it is highly representative; the initiative is still in its starting phase and its results are hardly assessable.
Practical implications: Companies aspiring to apply crowdcrafting could improve their customers’ service by looking for new ways of interaction with them. Opening up themselves to social networks, finding competencies from the outside and providing customization and product quality together with unusual experiences are some suggestions.
Originality of the paper: Our work makes both scholars and practitioners aware of an Italian SME innovative in introducing crowdcrafting in its processes; at the same time, it highlights the feature of such an approach both theoretically and practically.
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