Co-creare prodotti e processi con i clienti: i servizi degli Open Innovation Intermediaries (OII) (Co-creating products and processes with customers: the services of Open Innovation Intermediaries (OII))
Open Innovation (OI), Open Innovation Intermediaries (OII), co-creation, OII services, organizational changeAbstract
Purpose of the paper: The paper aims at analyzing the Open Innovation Intermediaries (OII) services provided to firms in order to enhance, facilitate and support their co-creation activity with customers in an Open Innovation (OI) context.
Methodology: After reviewing existent literature developed in this domain, we analyze the only two OII platforms which provide services to support firms in their co-creation activity with customers, following the case study methodology.
Findings: We find that: (i) both the number of OII and the services provided are scarce; (ii) OII adopt this OI mode in different ways, following different models and providing different bundles of services.
Research limits: The main limit of the empirical research comes from the unavailability of different information sources which place this part of the paper in an ancillary position in respect to the literature review.
Practical implications: The paper, as a first step of the research in this domain, enhances knowledge about services provided by OII in the co-creation activity which firms develop with customers. This phenomenon is not deepened empirically, even if theoretical contributions recognize many benefits for firms deriving from OI platforms.
Originality of the paper: The paper is original because it: (i) proposes a first systematization of the existent literature about his theme; (ii) analyzes OII services provided to firms in an OI context; (iii) benchmarks services provided by different OII platforms, disclosing their rationales.
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