How to start a revolution: organizational changes and lean system at the FCA Pomigliano plant


  • Loris Gaio
  • Sandro Trento
  • Marco Zamarian



organizational change, lean production, automotive, change management


Purpose of the paper: The study has two goals: first, we highlight the inadequacy of mainstream change management models to fully explain complex change interventions; secondly, we juxtapose WCM (World Clan Manufacturing) and change management and propose a framework that integrates elements of emergent change models with the so-called planned change models, in the light of evidence collected from a WCM reorganization in the FCA Plant in Pomigliano.

Methodology: We perform an inductive case study of how the Fiat-Chrysler Automotive (FCA) group managed change at its Pomigliano plant from three sources-archived data, direct interviews of FCA managers and employees, and field observations of the production plant.

Results: The study demonstrates a new model of organizational change characterized by diffuse processes, activated by the hybrid choices between organizational design and emergence.

Research Limitation: The analysis is limited to the case in point, even though highly representative in terms of the themes addressed in the paper.

Managerial implications: Two main normative implications emerge from this work: first, seeding methods centered on agents of change represent a viable alternative to traditional triggering methods; and second, the involvement of all personnel is very important in both the design and the implementation of change.

Originality of the paper: Our proposed analytical framework allows for the identification of a hybrid model for conducting organizational change that integrates several of the existing prevailing models.


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