La comunicazione per la sostenibilità nel management delle imprese (Communication for sustinability in business management)
corporate sustainability;, corporate communication;, strategic communication;, corporate reputation;, reputational risk;Abstract
Purpose of the paper: Corporate Sustainability is becoming a new business paradigm. Starting from this point of view, the paper aims to analyse the role that communication plays in corporate sustainable management.
Methodology: After clarifying the relationship between Corporate Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility, the study deepens some key concepts (corporate reputation and reputational risk) starting from the literature review and the results of surveys conducted within the business community. This allows to identify the role of communication in the sustainable organization.
Findings: The study identifies the basic functions of operational communication within a sustainability-oriented organization. It highlights the strategic role that communication plays within the dominant coalition of this type of organization.
Research limitations: The conceptual paper presents the typical limitations of the deductive approach based on literature review.
Practical implications: The paper outlines managerial implications of decisions and activities of corporate communication, at strategic and operational level, within a sustainability-oriented organization.
Originality of paper: It is the first study in literature that addresses the issue of strategic and operational role of communication within an enterprise sustainable. The paper treats corporate communication from a management perspective, as a managerial discipline.
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