L’evoluzione del ruolo della comunicazione nell’approccio di marketing (The evolution of the communication role in marketing approach)


  • Umberto Collesei


corporate communication;, marketing;, branding;


Purpose of the paper: The purpose of this paper is to focus on the most significant aspects of the evolutionary process affecting the communication approach by the marketing policy.

Findings: From an earlier stage (1980) when Communication was viewed as a key activity on its own by the marketing policy and, as such, totally detached from any other marketing activity, the market has later (1990) moved on to a second more sophisticated stage when it started to become increasingly evident that also all other marketing activities were affected by the corporate communication policy. As a matter of fact, this does not appear to be at all the unique change that has been taking place in the meantime as during this second stage the corporate communication strategy also tended to assume a role of its own which could contrast, or conflict with, its conventional marketing activity.

Research and managerial implication: However, thanks to the ever increasing use of the Internet based media, we may well conclude that today both the marketing and communication processes tend to complement each other and thus converge as far as logic and tools are concerned, even though they remain in most cases still un-connected from an organizational point of view. It may be also worth noticing that from 1990 onward, the marketing and communication activities focus more and more on Branding which appears to be the welding point or the link between the two processes.

As a result, putting on the same wavelength marketing, communication and the relevant web activity seems to be a new challenge that today’s business men are expected to face.


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