Celebrity endorsement, brand extension, brand loyalty
brand;, brand extension;, celebrity endorsement;, fit;Abstract
Purpose of the paper: the paper aims to investigate the effect that the celebrity fit (ie the consonance between the brand and the celebrity used in advertising in support of that brand) may have on consumer loyalty towards a brand protagonist of an extension strategy.
Metodology: the analysis is based on a trial, which involved a famous brand operating in the luxury sector.
Findings: the analysis confirm the critical nature of the concept of perceptual fit (in both senses-established in the literature) and outlines a new type of fit (between the brand and celebrities) able to act on brand loyalty either directly or through effects of moderation.
Research limitations: the article presents the usual limits of experimental investigations.
Managerial implications: this type of fit is particularly important, because it can mitigate the constraints arising from the nature of the product categories involved in the strategy of brand extension.
Originality of the study: of the work's theme, on which is not specific literature, helps to enrich the literature on brand extension strategie
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