Brand-Casting. Il Tvbrand, protagonista della nuova competizione televisiva (Brand casting. Tvbrand, protagonist of the new television competition)
branding;, television;, media;Abstract
Purpose of the paper: This paper aims to describe some typical issues of television industry, focusing on its market relationships, which are increasingly ruled by marketing management and, of course, branding.
Methodology: The paper arises from an exploratory research by case study conducted on the main Italian players, in order to delineate the evolutionary trajectories of market processes. Italy is one of the most important television markets worldwide.
Findings: The result is that the branding begins to assert itself also in this context, providing the audience with crucial information about the value of each channel offering. The multifaceted and multimedia nature of the product (the television channel) influences the structure of the brand and, for this reason, an original model named TvBrand, extracted from a case history’s analysis, has been here developed.
Research limitations: The model is consistent, but a formalization of its equity appears to be a significant limitation of this study, to be fulfilled with further research, based on primary data from the players’ balance sheets.
Managerial implications: the TvBrand model can play as main character in Tv-players’ marketing plans, thanks to its innovativeness, proactivity and audience-sensitivity: the model’s frame of reference, actually, is the customer-centric brand model.
Originality: Now that the digital revolution forces companies to govern the multimedia exhibition of spaces of relationship between their brands and consumers, branding television, multimedia by nature, appears to be a useful area of learning.
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