I sistemi locali di innovazione e internazionalizzazione: un’analisi comparata di alcune eI sistemi locali di innovazione e internazionalizzazione:sperienze (Local innovation systems and internationalization: a comparative analysis of some experiences)
globalization;, local system;, innovation;, internationalization;, embeddedness;, mobility;, cluster;Abstract
Purpose of the paper: This work aims at shedding light on the most recent trends affecting local systems and clusters through the analysis of international case studies.
Methodology: The paper applies the grounded theory method to analyze some local systems - the Napa Valley wine region, Biovallèe, the footwear and footwear machines district of Vigevano, the ceramic cluster of Sassuolo, the Romanian cluster in Arad and Timisoara.
Findings: The study of the cases helps to structure an interpretative model to analyse and in a certain way predict the evolutionary patterns for local systems and clusters.
Originality of the study and research limits: The cases have been selected to provide experiences of local systems characterized by different geography and drivers. The small number of cases will offer only limited support to the generalization of the results.
Practical implications: This multidisciplinary perspective on the relations between firms, organizational networks, and local clusters is of great interest to a wide range of scholars, including management and organizational scientists, regional scientists and economic geographers and, managers of multinational companies as well as practitioners and policy makers in this field.
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