I nuovi mercati e le strategie di entrata delle medie imprese: evidenze e miti (New markets and entry strategies of medium-sized companies: evidence and myths)
entry modes;, emerging countries;, mid-sized firms;, Made in Italy;Abstract
Purpose of the paper: The emerging countries provide important growth opportunities and, in many cases, abnormal performance, but when a firm decides to go across border has to face many problems, above all if it is not large, such as the majority of firms of Made in Italy.
The objective of the article is to analyze new markets and entry strategies of mid-sized firms by using a critical approach based on the comparison between “evidences” and “myths”.
Methodology: We apply a quali-quantitative method based both on a survey on the Made in Italy medium-sized firms in Campania and case studies.
Findings: The results can be synthesized as follows:
- the definition of a theoretical framework which integrates the main theories and explores how they interact with each other suggesting different mode and market choices,
- the identification of the evolutionary patterns of mid-sized firms in order to succeed across national borders, in terms of extension of the international approach and of the market,
- the positioning of mid-sized firms of Campania with respect to the above mentioned analytical and interpretative model.
Originality and limits: The theoretical framework is able to represent the multidimensionality of the phenomenon analyzed opening the way to the building of a theory on the successful internationalization of mid-sized firms of Made in Italy. However, further empirical studies are much needed to better test the proposed model.
Practical implications: The study can help managers to make entry mode decisions in order to better exploit opportunities abroad by considering the relationship among the main factors influencing successful entry strategies.
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