La percezione della web atmosphere tra i visitatori del centro commerciale (The perception of the web atmosphere among shopping mall visitors)
web atmosphere, web marketing, experiential marketing, shopping centerAbstract
Purpose of the paper: The paper focuses on the analysis of atmospheric cues of shopping center’ websites. The aim of the study is to understand the importance of different atmospherics, by considering the customer perspective and his/her attitude towards a shopping center.
Methodology: The research is based on a survey carried out on a sample of 438 college students, aged between 18 and 30 years.
Findings: Findings reveal that customers with different shopping center’s attitudes give different importance to the atmospheric cues. Moreover respondents usually give a lot of importance to websiteattributes that promote social interactivity.
Research limits: The sample includes only students having similar lifestyle. It seems necessary to extend the investigation to a wider population and to take into account also the retailer’s perspective in order to better analyze the management of online atmosphere.
Practical implications: Online investment aimed at strengthening the presence and promotions on social networks and other interactive applications (forum, chat ...) could be helpful to increase the websiteattractiveness and to improve the customers’ retention.
Originality: Literature on websiteatmosphere applied to the shopping centers (and in general to the retail sector) is very limited. Moreover, this contribution focuses on the social dimension of the websiteatmosphere, that was little explored in past studies.
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