Analisi delle motivazioni alla base del turismo matrimoniale: un’indagine esplorativa (Analysis of the motivations behind marriage tourism: an exploratory survey)
wedding-based tourism, motivations, consumer value, experiential approachAbstract
Purpose of the paper: This study focuses on wedding-based tourism, which refers to tourist flows generated by weddings celebrated in a destination where neither the bride nor the groom reside. Specifically, this paper aims at shedding light on the motivations that drive couples to celebrate their wedding outside their hometown.
Methodology: The study is exploratory and mainly based on a qualitative approach. A semi-structured interview protocol was sent via email to 38 couples who opted for a destination wedding; data was then triangulated managing interviews with experts in the sector.
Findings: Findings suggest that the couples’ decision making is mainly driven by functional, social, emotional and altruistic motivations, thus suggesting the appropriateness of the experiential approach in interpreting the phenomenon based on a demand-side perspective.
Research limits and practical implications: The study is qualitative and exploratory in nature; hence, findings cannot be generalized. Further the fact that the interviews were managed via email could have introduced some biases in the interpretation of data. Despite this, the research provides useful information for destination marketers and policymakers attempting to plan and implement marketing strategies aimed at expanding the size of the market.
Originality of the paper: This study contributes to the growing scientific debate related to wedding-based tourism and provides researchers useful information that can be used to contribute to the development of items and scale to be used to carry out a quantitative study.
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