Integrated value-in-use: looking for a new strategic orientation


  • Paolo Stampacchia
  • Maria Colurcio
  • Mariarosaria Coppola



value-in-use, integrated value-in-use, stakeholders, strategy, resources, networks


Purpose of the paper: This paper proposes a framework based on the concept of value-in-use generation for both stakeholders and companies.

From a managerial perspective, value-in-use offers a useful tool to define strategies in the context of growing demand for corporate behaviours that demonstrate awareness and respect for the needs of all individuals.

Methodology: Theoretical paper.

Findings: The paper contributes to management studies by introducing a fresh insight on strategic analysis and through the concept of integrated value-in-use proposes an alternative model to interpret reality, which integrates the perspectives of management and marketing.

Research limits: The main limits of this paper are its theoretical nature and lack of empirical research.

Practical implications: This paper contributes to managerial practices by proposing a framework to support strategic analysis and positioning choices within markets and networks.

Originality of the paper: This paper contributes to the debate on business strategy by providing the innovative concept of “integrated value-in-use” as a criterion for business choices, especially strategic ones.


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