L’impiego del EFQM business excellence model nella misura delle performance degli approvvigionamenti. Uno studio quantitativo (The use of the EFQM business excellence model in the measure of supply performances. A quantitative study)
procurement, EFQM Business Excellence Model, performance measurement, self-assessmentAbstract
Purpose of the paper: This paper aims at testing a self-assessment tool based on the EFQM Business Excellence Model, with the purpose of supporting companies in the continuous improvement of their procurement process.
Methodology: We have carried out an exploratory factor analysis and then a path analysis on a sample of 118 companies, selected from a large database gathering the outcomes of a self-assessment process run in the procurement departments of multinational companies.
Results: the paper shows that the system of “enablers” and “results”, developed by the EFQM Business Excellence Model, can be a solid reference model to evaluate the maturity level of the Purchasing Department and to drive the investments and actions aimed at improving its performances.
Limitations: the self-assessment tool discussed in this study is based on the use of questionnaire items assessed on Likert scales. Thus, future empirical investigations should be conducted to confirm the validity of the EFQM model in the procurement area also through quantitative indicators.
Managerial Implications: the self-assessment tool presented in this paper is an effective approach to observe the correlation between operational actions/decisions of the Purchasing Department and the economic performance of the company; moreover it is an approach that can be easily implemented over time and that can facilitate benchmarking activities (among companies, branches of the same enterprise etc.).
Originality of the paper: the originality refers to the use of a methodology, grounded in the quality management practices and literature, in the procurement Processes, where the discussion on the performance Measurement Systems is still open.
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