Strategie di cambiamento in una public utility: una prospettiva multi-tipologica (Change strategies in a public utility: a multi-typological perspective)
change management; strategic adaptation; environmental determinism; conflictAbstract
Purpose of the paper: The paper examines the change process of a public utility based on the Van de Ven and Poole’s framework, in order to consider and understand the breakdowns among the sequences of the different models.
Methodology: Drawing from longitudinal analysis, we applied different methods such as direct observation, corporate documents and interviews aimed to reconstruct the events and their relationships.
Findings: Change is a set of nested sequences of events, which have only in theory a precise line of demarcation. Different units of analysis and different change typologies interact together by unfolding themselves over time.
Research limitations: Results are by nature difficult to generalize, since they are closely linked to the context analyzed. However, the triangulation with the managers has allowed us to feel reliable the reconstruction of the events and their interpretation.
Implications: A large repertoire, in terms of change management theories, can enrich the understanding of what happens during a change process, where a variety of events are more nested than linearly manifested.
Originality of the paper: The application of the Van de Ven and Poole’s model in a single path of change represents an original contribution as yet little used in the literature.
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