Servizi ecosistemici e biodiversità: una nuova prospettiva per un’economia più sostenibile (Ecosystem services and biodiversity: a new perspective for a more sustainable economy)


  • Marco Frey
  • Natalia Gusmerotti
  • Stefano Pogutz



sustainability; ecosystem services; biodiversity; management; economic tools; natural sciences


Purpose of paper: This paper aims at building a bridge among management studies, natural sciences and ecological economics. Concepts such as ecosystem services and biodiversity are introduced with the purpose to provide a new perspective to sustainability management.

Methodology: The paper is theoretical. Constructs and tools developed in other disciplines are illustrated and discussed in order to provide a new knowledge platform to management studies.

Results: The main results are: a) a theoretical framework to illustrate the relation of interdependence between the firm with the social-ecological systems; b) an exam of the most important economic tools developed to protect ecosystem services and biodiversity; c) analyze the main implications of the management of the firm.

Limits of the study: This is a first study aiming at opening new research avenues both theoretical and empirical. Qualitative (e.g. case studies) and quantitative research can stem from this contribution.

Practical implications: The theoretical framework and the economic tools analyzed in this paper provide several hints and suggestions to develop a more environmentally sustainable management strategy.

Novelty of the paper: The paper broadens managerial literature introducing new constructs and concepts from natural sciences. This new perspective helps to position the firm into the social-ecological system, favoring a more coherent interpretation of the relation of interdependence with the natural environment.



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