Industria 4.0, evoluzione della logistica e applicazione del Knowledge Triangle (Industry 4.0, evolution of logistics and application of the Knowledge Triangle)

la centralità delle competenze professionali e il progetto Framelog (the centrality of professional skills and the Framelog project)


  • Marco Giannini



industry 4.0; logistics; skills; stakeholder engagement



Purpose of the paper: highlight how the transformation process of digital transformation is a source of significant changes that affect professional skills. The elements indicated were then analyzed within the evolutionary process that is affecting the logistics activities.

Methodology: after a theoretical framework of the themes indicated, the realization of the paper followed the different phases of the European Framelog project for which the author is the scientific responsible.

Results: based on various field surveys, guidelines have been identified that can provide indications on how to respond to the needs of professionalism in the logistics sector, seeking a better quality of the training offer and a closer synergy between all the actors who can provide a concrete contribution in this regard.

Research limits: the research project is still in its final stages and only its conclusion can define a more organic picture of the actions to be undertaken.

Practical implications: the contacts with different interested realities have allowed to elaborate concrete proposals that already some interlocutors have made own

Originality of the paper: the methods for carrying out the paper have allowed us to identify solutions that present elements of originality.



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