Night at the museum: technology enables visitor experiences


  • Fabiola Sfodera
  • Isabella Mingo
  • Alberto Mattiacci
  • Maria Colurcio



Cultural heritage experience; resource integration; authenticity; augmented reality and virtual reality; S-D Logic


Purpose of the paper: This paper aims to investigate how technology affects the cultural heritage (CH) experience and how it may configure a new service ecosystem, enabling resource integration, and leveraging resource liquefaction.

Methodology: A model with four dimensions of CH experience is proposed and empirically tested using structural equation modeling with data on 300 visitors to three heritage sites in Rome (Italy), which exhibit a high level of technology integration.

Results: Technology enables learning processes in the cultural heritage visit experience. The CH experience is configured as a service ecosystem and technology enables increases in resource integration, liquefaction, and density by operating both as an operant and operand resource.

Research limits: The study of technology from a service-dominant (S-D) logic perspective is nascent vis-a-vis framing the CH visit experience.

Practical implications: Technology acceptance is important for learning and positive perceptions of authenticity. A dynamic approach to the conceptualization of cultural supply structures is important.

Originality of the paper: This research advances both theory and practice, adding to existing discourses on CH from a broader perspective that includes CH as a potential part of a service ecosystem, highlighting the role of technology in designing and shaping resource integration. The paper, therefore, offers a novel perspective on CH in terms of value co-creation, highlighting the role of participating architecture for learning.


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