Faust, the burst forth the career and publication ethics


  • Alberto Pastore




In my opinion, it is rewarding for all of us to observe how our community of Italian management scholars has significantly evolved in recent years.

Breaking free from the academic logic that ruled in the past, we have set up SIMA, our own representative and democratically elected scientific society of Italian management scholars; we have identified the values in which we recognize ourselves: openness, rigour, relevance, dissemination, ethics; we have nurtured a new organizational culture devoted to participation and service for the benefit of the scientific community; we have contributed, in a decisive manner, to configuring the newly expanded governance design of scientific societies in Italy dealing with accounting, management and organization studies. In this redesigning process, the AIDEA (Italian Academy of Economia Aziendale) was given a new role as the official representative with the responsibility of relating with institutions, professional bodies, and policymakers.

Within the institutional context, among other achievements, we have attained the formal recognition of the non-bibliometric nature of our discipline and the establishment of a dedicated organizational framework (GEV 13B) for the evaluation of research in the field of business studies.... to be continued


