Exploring connections between vintage marketing and sustainability in the italian agri-food sector. An empirical analysis
vintage; sustainability; agri-food; marketing; nostalgia; greenAbstract
Purpose of the paper: This research aims to find out a possible relationship between the “nostalgia effect” (related to Vintage Marketing) and sustainability applications in the Italian Agri-food sector. In particular, focusing on organic food products, the analysis seeks to find a connection between these topics by considering the consumers’ food purchasing behaviours.
Methodology: The data collected through the dissemination of an online questionnaire was used to answer the research questions. After a first descriptive analysis of the sample, two exploratory factor analyses were performed to identify those latent factors underlying the variables.
Findings: The results show a positive relationship between the Vintage and Sustainability topics, implying that memories of past consumption are capable to influence the consumers’ future food purchase choices.
Research limits: The analysis is limited from two fronts: first, it relates only to Italian consumers and, second, the sample under study is restricted. Therefore, future researches should include a larger dataset, collected from different countries, and consider other factors that could influence the consumers’ food purchasing choices.
Practical implications: Despite the research limits - strictly connected to its embryonic stage - the results highlight interesting managerial and academic implications. It enriches the debate on consumer behaviour, in a sector where all the potential has not yet been expressed.
Originality of the paper: It explores the theme of sustainability from a new angle - that of Vintage - seeking for connections and implications. As literature in this field is not rich, future research should deepen this relationship in order to fill its knowledge gap.
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