Sinergie Italian Journal of Management <div class="column column-left"> <p><em><strong>Sinergie Italian Journal of Management</strong></em>&nbsp;is a peer-reviewed academic publication focusing on the main trends in management studies.&nbsp;<br /><span id="journalStartDate"><span id="seriesIssn">ISSN: 0393-5108</span></span>&nbsp;<br /><span id="journalStartDate"><span id="seriesIssn">Quarterly&nbsp;journal printed from: 1983&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</span></span><br /><span id="journalStartDate"><span id="seriesIssn">Online from: 2001</span></span>&nbsp;<br />Subject Area: Business management<br />Founding editor: Giovanni Panati</p> <p>P<span id="journalStartDate"><span id="seriesIssn">reviously published as "Sinergie rivista di studi e ricerche"<em>,&nbsp;</em></span></span><em>Sinergie Italian Journal of Management</em>&nbsp;is ranked by AIDEA list (rank A)&nbsp;and&nbsp;ANVUR GEV13&rsquo;s list.&nbsp;<br /><strong>Acception of <em>Sinergie Italian Journal of Management</em>&nbsp;for inclusion in SCOPUS, Elsevier (14 june 2021)</strong></p> <p>The Journal is published by the&nbsp;<em><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CUEIM Foundation</a></strong></em>&nbsp;that is at the service of the&nbsp;creation and dissemination of managerial culture.<br />CUEIM Foundation is a non-profit organization aimed at promoting scientific research in the management field. Since 2017, CUEIM Foundation organizes in collaboration with&nbsp;<em><strong>SIMA</strong>&nbsp;</em>(Societ&agrave; Italiana di Management) the annual conference. Also, CUEIM Foundation&nbsp;publishes further&nbsp;<a href=";preview=true" target="_blank" rel="noopener">editorial lines</a>.</p> <p><em><strong>Sinergie Italian Journal of Management is the official journal of Italian Society of Management (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SIMA</a>)</strong>. The journal opens the Italian management scholars perspective to the international scientific debate.</em></p> </div> CUEIM Foundation en-US Sinergie Italian Journal of Management 0393-5108 How quantitative marketing and management methodology is changing <p class="Default"><span class="A5"><span style="font-size: 9.0pt;">In this editorial I review five key trends in quantitative methodology in Marketing and Management. The trends are (1) preregistration of behavioral experiments, (2) increasing focus on sources of endogeneity in strategy research, (3) a more evidentiary approach to the strength of evidence present in a study, (4) increasing use of Bayesian statistical inference, and (5) the introduction of computer science techniques into marketing.</span></span></p> Charles Hofacker Copyright (c) 2024 CUEIM Fondation 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 42 1 11 17 Can authenticity be built? Looking for factors that influence authentic brand activism <p><strong>Framing of the research<em>.</em></strong><em> The study focuses on brand activism, a phenomenon attracting increasing attention from researchers and practitioners. The literature on brand activism has developed over the last five years and still has many gaps that should be filled.</em></p> <p><strong>Purpose of the paper<em>.</em></strong><em> This research analyses consumers’ perceptions of Ben &amp; Jerry’s to understand whether it is perceived as authentic and, if so, to identify feasible factors contributing to consumer-perceived authenticity of brand activism. </em></p> <p><strong>Methodology<em>. </em></strong><em>We analysed the users’ comments on the American Instagram profile of Ben &amp; Jerry’s by conducting a text network analysis to generate topical clusters (topic modelling) and identify the most influential keywords. Then, to address the research questions, sentiment analysis of users’ comments has been employed.</em></p> <p><strong>Results<em>.</em></strong><em> Topic modelling resulting from the analysis shows some exciting word clusters that allow hypothesising how activism is a critical element of Ben &amp; Jerry’s consumers’evaluation, becoming a topic of discussion at the same level as the brand’s products. In addition, sentiment analysis contributes important insights, confirming the crucial relevance of authenticity in brand activism strategies. </em></p> <p><strong>Research limitations<em>.</em></strong><em> The study uses user comments on posts, considering them as declarations, not actions; hence, we need to determine if consumer actions will be consistent with boycott declarations.</em></p> <p><strong>Managerial implications<em>.</em></strong> <em>This study contributes to understanding whether the challenging condition of authenticity exists in a brand known to be an activist. Additionally, we identify potential elements that contributed to the perceived authenticity of brand activism based on the obtained results and the analysis of the company’s official website. Knowing consumers’ sentiments is essential for researchers and practitioners, as it is the basis for understanding how consumers perceive and evaluate brand activism.</em></p> <p><strong>The originality of the paper<em>.</em></strong><em> Brand activism is a hot topic in literature. Insights from consumers’ perceptions are crucial to explain this phenomenon, useful in customer profiling and brand management, and address future research. Furthermore, it is essential to understand which factors can contribute to generating consumer-perceived authenticity in brand activism campaigns.</em></p> Antonella Cammarota Francesca Avallone Vittoria Marino Riccardo Resciniti Copyright (c) 2024 CUEIM Fondation 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 42 1 21 42 10.7433/s123.2024.02 How sustainable is smart farming? The contribution of service platforms to innovate Italian agribusinesses <p>Framing of the research. The agrifood industry needs to embrace digitalization by strategically innovating toward ecological transition and sustainable growth. A conceptual framework, empirically informed, is proposed, and a mixed-methods approach in the Italian wineries’ context is adopted.<br>Purpose of the paper. This paper aims to analyze how the sustainability of agribusinesses, especially wine producers, could be improved by implementing precision agricultural systems in place of conventional ones with the support of a digital service provider.<br>Methodology. A sequential mixed methods approach based on both secondary and primary data was conducted. The quantitative analysis focused on a cost-benefit comparison between conventional versus 4.0 wineries. The qualitative analysis was performed through a multiple case study, focusing on the interplay between the service provider and the wineries. Ten interviews were conducted with both actors.<br>Results. The results contribute to the literature by enriching the conceptual framework proposed and updated with empirical evidence. It describes dimensions and relationships that enable the actors involved in reaching higher sustainability outcomes at the firm and network levels.<br>Research limitations. The limited investigated sample, based on a low number of interviews, does not allow a consistent generalization of the results.<br>Managerial implications. Evidence from the case studies can inform both practitioners and policymakers about best practices and process innovation activities, which can increase shared value creation in the agrifood ecosystem.<br>Originality of the paper. This is one of the first studies to take into consideration a relevant topic, still poorly investigated, by deepening how a digital service provider supports the wineries’ innovation toward sustainable outcomes.</p> Maria Vincenza Ciasullo Marco Savastano Alexander Douglas Miriana Ferrara Simone Fiorentino Copyright (c) 2024 CUEIM Fondation 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 42 1 10.7433/s123.2024.03 Business model innovation and ambidexterity in Industry 4.0 <p><strong>Framing and purpose.</strong> The Fourth Industrial Revolution (I4.0) is dramatically affecting firms’ strategies, disrupting their business models. In particular, a bunch of technologies like IoT (Internet of Things), cloud platforms, big data, and data analysis are offering firms the possibility to manage products functions, remotely and globally, kick-starting the design of innovative business models. The aim of this paper is to investigate how business model innovation occurs in BtoB manufacturing firms that are exploring the I4.0 scenario.<br><strong>Methodology.</strong> The paper fulfils its purposes by the means of a qualitative investigation, discussing empirical evidence coming from a cross-case analysis of 25 Italian SMEs and medium-large enterprises, selected crossing secondary data and indications coming from a specific panel of ten industry experts.<br><strong>Results.</strong> The impact of I4.0 technologies on firms’ business models depend heavily on the access to user-firms’ data. 21 firms are involved in non-disruptive modifications of the business model; 4 firms are conducting more sophisticated experimentations in result-oriented product-service systems. These firms, that we have named “challengers”, are in a privileged position in order to unleash the potential of I4.0, introducing advanced services directly related to the customers’ needs.<br><strong>Implications and originality.</strong> The paper proposes an original framing that contributes theoretically to the literature interfacing business model innovation and ambidexterity management. Moreover, the main empirical finding of the study is that all the challengers adopt a particular form of contextual ambidexterity in which the exploration activities involve specifically selected (key) customers.</p> Marco Paiola Roberto Grandinetti Francesco Schiavone Copyright (c) 2024 CUEIM Fondation 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 42 1 71 94 10.7433/s123.2024.04 Digital Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: an empirical contribution using SMAA <p><strong>Framing of the research</strong>. <em>The concept of digital entrepreneurial ecosystem</em> <em>stands at the intersection between the concepts of digital ecosystem and entrepreneurial ecosystem. We start from data summarising the most common digital entrepreneurial pillars emerging in literature to provide robust and reliable measurement of digital entrepreneurial ecosystems.</em></p> <p><strong>Purpose of the paper. </strong><em>The aim of the paper is to measure and compare digital entrepreneurial ecosystems in European countries in ensuring a productive context for new venture creation. </em></p> <p><strong>Methodology<em>. </em></strong><em>We apply Stochastic Multicriteria Acceptability Analysis (SMAA) as a precise, robust, and reliable measurement approach to the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) data.</em></p> <p><strong>Results<em>. </em></strong><em>The main contribution of this work is the provision of probabilistic ranking that is more robust and reliable than the conventional single ranking derived from composite indices constructed with a single weight vector.</em></p> <p><strong>Research limitations<em>. </em></strong><em>We applied SMAA allowing for a limited variation of the weights assigned in the computation of DESI. Allowing for a wider range of variation may provide further relevant insights.</em></p> <p><strong>Managerial implications<em>. </em></strong><em>Our work provides relevant managerial implications for policy makers and businesses. The analysis identifies strengths and weaknesses of the different countries thus offering useful guidelines for policy makers aiming to support territorial development and for businesses to identify market opportunities.</em></p> <p><strong>Originality of the paper. </strong><em>Most indices are computed relying on fixed weights affected by a degree of subjectivity. The application of SMAA methodology allows to consider how a variation in the assigned weights is able to affect the final ranking.</em></p> Alessia Munnia Salvatore Corrente James Cunningham Melita Nicotra Marco Romano Copyright (c) 2024 CUEIM Fondation 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 42 1 95 119 10.7433/s123.2024.05 Artificial intelligence in personal development from cradle to grave: a comprehensive review of HRD literature <p>Framing of the research. Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way organisations manage human resources, injecting new capabilities into human resource management (HRM). There is a pressing need to examine new and more effective approaches to human resource development (HRD).<br>Purpose of the paper. This paper aims to shed light on current knowledge of AI in the HRD domain, developing a comprehensive view of its role in the employee’s journey.<br>Methodology. Keyword co-occurrence analysis and bibliographic coupling analysis were performed on a total of 151 papers published between 2002 and 2022. A similarity visualisation programme (VOSviewer) was used to showcase the results visually.<br>Results. The findings highlight the top five authors, sources, papers, and institutions in terms of the prolificacy of contributions in the field. The relevant contribution of this study is the identification and classification of the main topics and research streams in the academic literature. Five main bibliographic clusters are identified, unveiling the five most prominent topics in the field: i) AI in HR and contextual factors; ii) AI in education and future skills; iii) AI Coaching with chatbots; iv) AI in HR recruitment and training; v) AI in soft skills development.<br>Research limitations. It should be acknowledged that the findings are rooted in one database, Scopus, and only publications in English were considered.<br>Managerial implications. We offer three theoretical and institutional implications for advancing further research on AI in HRD. Furthermore, we outline six major takeaways and future lines of research stemming from our findings, resulting in a novel framework that can also be of practical interest to companies.<br>Originality of the paper. This is the first bibliometric study in the HRD and AI field from the viewpoint of personal development. Thus, we provide a first systematisation of the contributions developed in the last twenty years in this novel field of research.</p> Francesco Laviola Nicola Cucari Harry Novic Copyright (c) 2024 CUEIM Fondation 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 42 1 121 163 10.7433/s123.2024.06 From fields to bytes: orchestrating digital ecosystems in rural areas <p>Framing of the research. In recent years, agri-food companies have started to build digital platform ecosystems to implement complex value propositions. Typically orchestrated by a focal actor, these digital platform ecosystems have been seen as collaborative arrangements through which companies combine their individual offerings into a coherent customer-facing solution, the core of which is a technology platform. In contexts hostile to change, the role of orchestrators becomes even more critical for initiating and managing their construction.<br>Purpose of the paper. This study focuses on the emergence of digital platform ecosystems in rural areas and the key role of the orchestrator. Specifically, it aims to investigate how focal actors initiate their emergence in peripheral areas.<br>Methodology. We adopt a single case study design with a focus on an experimental initiative to create an integrated multichain digital traceability platform. To conduct the exploratory study, we draw on a series of primary and secondary data.<br>Results. Our results identify the set of activities through which a focal actor pursuing collective interests initiates the emergence of a digital platform ecosystem. By distinguishing between the ecosystem design and launch phases, we shed light on how the orchestrator plans not only the ecosystem but also the actions implemented to motivate participation and govern it.<br>Research limitations. This study is limited to companies operating against the backdrop of a shared project to create a digital platform ecosystem.<br>Managerial implications. Our study highlights how firms can manage the adoption of digital technologies by exploiting external collaborations. Moreover, we offer a multiplayer perspective of the mechanisms behind traditional sectors’ innovative efforts in rural areas.<br>Originality of the paper. Although digital platform ecosystems have been the subject of numerous studies in the agri-food sector, to the best of our knowledge, there is no comprehensive and exhaustive exploration of the phenomenon within a rural area where ecosystem participants combine efforts to create value in an innovation-hostile environment.</p> Giovanna Terrizzi Alba Marino Maria Cristina Cinici Daniela Baglieri Copyright (c) 2024 CUEIM Fondation 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 42 1 Reaching the SDGs by 2030: At what point is Italy? Evidence from firms at the regional clusters’ level <p><strong>Framing of the research. </strong><em>The SDGs implementation, one of the more urgent and current challenges, requires the adaptation to sub-national contexts and the involvement of many actors including the firms.</em></p> <p><strong>Purpose of the paper. </strong><em>The paper examines the Italian situation as to the achievement of the SDGs through the lens of the adoption of the 2030 Agenda by the firms from different Italian regions. </em></p> <p><strong>Methodology. </strong><em>The research involved a sample of 30 Italian listed companies from Northern and Central-Southern Italy, selected by the CONSOB</em>’<em>s list of firms providing a non-financial declaration. An integral reading of the documents with subsequent interpretation were performed.</em></p> <p><strong>Results. </strong><em>Regional localization does not affect the overall contribution to the SDGs being limited for all firms. Instead, the geographic localization of firms at regional scale differentiates the prioritized SDGs: Northern firms are more oriented to social and economic SDGs, while Central-Southern firms to environmental ones.</em></p> <p><strong>Research limitations. </strong><em>The paper represents a preliminary exploration of the Italian firms</em>’<em> advancements towards the SDGs over a regional space. Future research developments could be addressed to the sample enlargement and the focus on sub-national specificities of other countries around the world.</em></p> <p><strong>Managerial implications. </strong><em>Italian firms should enhance their commitment to the 2030 Agenda in all its ambitions, incorporating the sustainable goals within the corporate culture and strategic posture.</em></p> <p><strong>Originality of the paper. </strong><em>The study responds to the need of considering the sub-national specificities in the literature on sustainable development by capturing the connections between firms, belonging territory, and SDGs.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> Raffaella Montera Salvatore Esposito De Falco Copyright (c) 2024 CUEIM Fondation 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 42 1 189 213 10.7433/s123.2024.08 Acceptance and use of digital payments by consumers: an empirical analysis in Italy <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong><em>Frame of the research: </em></strong><em>Digital payments have gained popularity over the last decade. Several governments have introduced policies to foster the usage of digital payments by consumers, with the goal of curbing tax evasion. Nevertheless, cash is still predominant. This raises questions about the factors that can promote the usage of digital payments by consumers.</em></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong><em>Purpose of the paper:</em></strong> <em>This paper aims at investigating the factors affecting the adoption of digital payments by Italian consumers, extending the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology in a consumer context (UTAUT2) with three constructs that are relevant when analyzing this topic, namely the role of government incentives, the concerns related to privacy, and the degree of aversion towards tax evasion.</em></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong><em>Methodology:</em></strong> <em>To empirically assess the proposed research model, we gathered data in Italy through a web-based survey and analyzed them using Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling.</em></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong><em>Results:</em></strong> <em>Findings confirm the UTAUT2 model, except for price value, which is found to be insignificant. Government incentives and tax evasion aversion have a significant positive impact on the behavioral intention to adopt digital payments, whereas privacy concerns have a significant negative effect.</em></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong><em>Research limitations: </em></strong><em>The main limitation of this study concerns data gathering, as it was conducted using the Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing (CAWI) methodology, which targets consumers that are already familiar with digital instruments.</em></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong><em>Practical implications: </em></strong><em>The paper highlights the factors that both digital payment providers and public institutions may leverage to foster the adoption of digital payments by consumers.</em></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong><em>Originality of the study:</em></strong><em> To the best of our knowledge, this study is unique as it examines the adoption of digital payments by Italian consumers, extending the framework to prepaid, credit, and debit cards, instead of considering mobile payments alone.</em></p> Giulia Spinelli Luca Gastaldi Copyright (c) 2024 CUEIM Fondation 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 42 1 217 240 10.7433/s123.2024.09 Blockchain technology adoption in food label systems. The impact on consumer purchase intentions. <p><strong><em>Frame of the research: </em></strong><em>Food labels have a significant impact on shaping consumers’ intentions to purchase food products. The adoption of the Blockchain technology into food labels holds potential as an effective technology to enhance the data accessible to consumers, thereby shaping their purchasing patterns.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Purpose of the paper:</em></strong><em> This study adopts the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology as a theoretical framework to understand how blockchain technology adoption in food label systems may influence consumers’ intentions toward purchasing labeled food.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Methodology:</em></strong><em> A research model with six hypotheses has been developed and tested on a sample of 781 users. </em><em>The proposed model also highlights the importance of perceived trust and perceived product transparency on customers’ purchase intentions. Data have been analyzed adopting a PLS-SEM approach.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Findings:</em></strong> <em>Results show that the adoption of Blockchain technology to protect information throughout the food supply chain can positively influence consumers’ purchase intentions.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Research limits:</em></strong> <em>This work has some limitations, which could serve as a pathway for future investigations. First, it has been conducted within a single country (Italy). Then, even though it meets the required sample size for conducting analysis, future studies could enhance the number of observations to further reinforce this study’s findings. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Practical implications: </em></strong><em>This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the role of Blockchain technology in the food industry by providing empirical evidence of its potential as a valuable tool to sustain company purchases.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Originality of the paper:</em></strong> <em>This study advances scientific knowledge of blockchain technology in the specific context of the food sector. </em></p> Fabiana Sepe Copyright (c) 2024 CUEIM Fondation 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 42 1 241 264 10.7433/s123.2024.10