Le destinazioni balneari: un modello integrato per lo studio della fidelizzazione del segmento turistico giovanile (Bathing destinations: an integrated model for the study of the loyalty of the youth tourism segment)


  • Sergio Barile
  • Aurelio Tommasetti
  • Orlando Troisi
  • Massimiliano Vesci




young traveler, push/pull motivation, loyalty, commitment, travel satisfaction


Purpose of the paper: The study aims to develop a theoretical framework to analyze tourist loyalty relative to choice of destination.

Methodology: The research model proposed is tested by means of an empirical study conducted on a sample of students who travel regularly for pleasure or leisure. To verify reliability relative to the measurement model, a confirmatory factor analysis was carried out. The path analysis was conducted using a structural equation model (SEM).

Findings: The paper confirms the hypothesis that in addition to traditional motives of push and pull, tourist fidelity is also influenced by commitment.

Research Limits: The main limitation is the sample population, in that it is not representative of all tourist segments.

Practical implications: The paper helps organizations, managers and politicians to better manage tourist services and tourist destination offer, in particular with respect to actions to put in place relative to destination and communication models.

Originality of the paper: The work attempts to integrate various models in order to study tourist fidelity, in particular incorporating and combining in the model of push (internal) and pull (external) factors the theory of commitment.


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