Creative crowdsourcing e dinamiche relazionali nella comunicazione di marketing. Il caso del network di Zooppa (Creative crowdsourcing and relationship dynamics in marketing communication. The case of the Zooppa network)


  • Maria Vernuccio
  • Federica Ceccotti



creative crowdsourcing; marketing communication network; disintermediation; re-intermediation; case study analysis


Purpose of the paper: Our study aims to analyze the evolution of the marketing communication network as a consequence of the development of new platforms specialized in supplying crowd-driven creative services to different businesses (i.e., brand, traditional agency, digital agency and media agency).

Methodology: An exploratory research design has been drawn through the qualitative analysis of a cross-sectional embedded single-case study. The unit of analysis is the communication network developed around Zooppa, one of the leading creative crowdsourcing platforms in the international scenario.

Findings: The findings show the major objectives pursued by the various players in the network (i.e., brand, agency, creative members of the crowd) by using creative crowdsourcing platforms, as well as the players’ evolution in terms of roles within the new relational dynamics. Moreover, a conceptual framework relative to the emerging crowd-driven architectures has been elaborated, following the opposite forces of disintermediation and re-intermediation.

Research limits: Being qualitative, the research can not assume a general validity. However, the insights included in this study could guide future - qualitative and quantitative - research about the creative crowdsourcing dynamics in a relational perspective.

Practical implications: The results offer useful suggestions to the different businesses of the communication network (i.e., brand, agency, platform crowd-driven) with the aim to exploit innovation opportunities offered by the creative crowdsourcing.

Originality of the paper: This study contributes to the literature available about both the creative crowdsourcing and the evolution of the marketing communication network, and gives for the first time an in-depth relational interpretation of the phenomenon including the points of view of all the different players.


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