La competitività dinamica degli ecosistemi territoriali. Il caso degli eco-sistemi turistici multilocali tra Italia e Svizzera (Dynamic Competitiveness of ecosystems space. The case of multilocal eco-systems in the tourism between Italy and Switzerland)
competitiveness of tourism, ecosystems tourism, driver of competitiveness, bundling and unbundlingAbstract
Purpose of the paper: This paper aims to analyze in a “eco-territorial dynamism” emerging driver s of business competitiveness. Natural economic and social resources, typical of the different local and multi-local regional systems and their integrated development are actually taking an increasingly central part in the current competitive processes.
Methodology: Considering the previous studies on territorial and tourism competitiveness we suggest a strategic model developed through the ecological-statistical tool of SEM. This model that resembles the logic of “value constellation” highlights how all the resources and activities must interact in order to make a competitive multi-regional ecosystem.
Results: This model is effective in determining the driver s of competitiveness multi-local ecosystems, revealing also a relationship between their “competitive performance” and any gap between the held and activatable resources.
Limits of the research: The model is based on assessments of stakeholders and thus could be “defective” by subjective factors, and yet it is “compensated or mitigated” in large numbers. It would also be appropriate to repeat the research in different contexts and different times.
Practical implications: This paper suggests an empirical model for the MultiLocale Eco-System of Lake Garda and the Ticino, which brings out a territorial and multi- territorial marketing policy.
Originality of the study. The introduction of a dynamic economic model for evaluating the efficient use of territorial resources, considering besides the traditional competitive factors also the Internet and in particular the opportunities to develop relationships between businesses, and territories and between these systems and consumers.
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