Fashion rental as a new and innovative channel alongside fashion retail
fashion retailing; fashion rental; luxury fashion; Please Don’t Buy-Twinset case studyAbstract
Purpose of the paper: The aim of this paper is to explore from a business perspective fashion rental as a new alternative channel or collateral to fashion retail.
Methodology: A qualitative research design was carried out in Italy based on semi-structured interviews with CEOs-founders of fashion rental enterprises, and a case study on the Please Don’t Buy project launched by the Twinset fashion company.
Findings: The findings reveal the opportunities and challenges related to fashion rental as a new channel launched within the fashion retail industry.
Research limits: As the study is built on a qualitative research design and a single case study the findings are not generalizable, although they allow for an in-depth analysis of the fashion rental channel.
Practical implications: The study has managerial implications for established fashion brands wanting to collaborate with fashion rental platforms or engage directly with fashion rental following the Twinset project. It is also relevant for start-ups interested in launching their own digital rental platforms.
Originality of the paper: This research is the first to examine fashion rental as a new channel alongside that of fashion retail in response to new fashion consumption patterns.
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