Competere attraverso il turismo creativo: un’analisi delle preferenze verso la Sicilia (Competing through creative tourism: an analysis of preferences towards Sicily)


  • Sonia Caterina Giaccone
  • Marco Galvagno
  • Elisa Di Mauro



creative tourism, conjoint analysis, segmentation, Sicily, experiential marketing


Purpose of the paper: The paper aims to study the preferences of potential tourists about some proposals of creative touristic experiences in Sicily.

Methodology: The exploratory survey was conducted via an online questionnaire administered to Italian and foreign tourists living outside Sicily. The data collected were analysed by applying the conjoint analysis and flexible segmentation.

Results: The results show the preference of tourists for packages including the widest variety of experiences (food and wine, games, sports, cultural), and in particular for those with at least one experience of a creative kind. Furthermore, the analysis allowed to identify the characteristics of an ideal package.

Research limitations: The main limitation is that the survey was conducted with regard to the tourism of a single geographic area.

Practical implications: Through the demand segmentation, the research provides useful stimulus not only to tourist companies and tour operators in defining their products and competitive strategies, but also to policy makers interested in formulating regional marketing policies to promote tourism.

Originality of the paper: This paper enhances the creative tourism literature analysing the preferences of tourists toward different types of experiences and their combination into tourist packages. 


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