Predictors of cross-buying in grocery retailing: the role of non-traditional product/service categories


  • Sabrina Latusi
  • Elena Sarti
  • Elisa Martinelli
  • Beatrice Luceri



retail offer extension, non-traditional product/service categories (NTPS), private labels, customer loyalty, consumer service, grocery retailing


Purpose of the paper: This study investigates cross-buying in retailing, with the aim to identify consumers’ purchase predictors of non-traditional product/service categories (NTPS) offered with the grocery retailer’s brand.

Methodology: A structured questionnaire was administered to a sample of 598 retail customers. Data were processed through a standard Poisson regression model considering the number of extension categories bought.

Findings: Among shoppers’ socio-demographic characteristics, age and education were found to have an impact on the number of NTPS purchased. Behavioural loyalty, value consciousness and perceived private label quality proved to be additional determinants of cross-buying by retail customers.

Research limits: The analysis focuses on the North Italian context, while the consideration of different retailing systems, with different levels of evolution also in terms of the NTPS mix offered, could benefit our understanding of cross-buying patterns.

Practical implications: The findings provide retailers and professionals with valuable insights for effective marketing strategies aimed to exploit customer cross-buying potential.

Originality of the paper: The study sheds light on the role of a number of predictors of cross-buying in the non-core offer of grocery retailers. Addressing how cognitive, social and personal characteristics interact in consumer decision-making process for NTPS in cross-buying, the study makes a new effort to better develop a profile of the PLs consumers, thus contributing to the literature on PLs and developing a managerial impact for retailers and practitioners.


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