Improving the quality of services at the University of Oviedo
university services, service charter, quality management systems, EFQM, Quality PlanAbstract
Purpose of the paper: With the purpose of fostering a continuous improvement policy in the 25 services provided by the University of Oviedo aimed at increasing the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of these services, the Technical Quality Unit has drawn up a specific Quality Plan for Services.
The main goals are:
- To foster public information on the services provided and on the quality commitments assumed in their provision via the drawing up of Service Charters to users.
- To improve the quality and efficiency of the services provided to users through the implementation of an Internal Quality Assurance System.
- The obtaining of external accreditations.
Methodology: We have followed the recommendations of the Spanish Royal Decree 951/2005 of 29 July, establishing the general framework for improving quality in General State Administration and UNE standard 93. 200:2008 (Requirements of the service charters) to design service charters. In relation to the design of Quality Management Systems (QMS), we used the ISO 9001:2008.
Findings: The monitoring of these quality commitments is carried out by means of 273 indicators. A software application has been designed to facilitate the uploading of data by users, the exploitation of results and the subsequent decision-making process. A pilot-test has been jointly carried out with the Research Service in the design of its Internal Quality Assurance System. Support is currently being provided to different services in the day-to-day job of adopting the aforementioned continuous improvement policy.
Research limits: The 25 services provided by the University of Oviedo.
Practical implications: The QMS must to be transversal to the entire University, including all the Áreas. This premise is essential to implement a culture of quality in the University.
Originality of the study: The developed application is equipped with "Cloud" technology. It gives advantages in terms of mobility, as it can access the platform from any device with internet connection.
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