Il rischio di greenwashing nella comunicazione per la sostenibilità: implicazioni manageriali (Greenwashing risk in sustainability communication: managerial implications)


  • Agostino Vollero



greenwashing, sustainability communication, CSR, communication management


Purpose of the paper: The paper aims at analysing activities and decisions of the sustainability communication management taking into consideration the increasing greenwashing risk. In particular, the paper examines the determinants of this risk and suggests its main managerial implications.

Methodology: On the basis of different but complementary approaches (sensemaking theory, stakeholder engagement, corporate communication management), the paper identifies the relationships between the main dimensions of the communication management and the key factors, that cause the perception of a ‘cosmetic’ communication with low engagement of company’s stakeholders.

Findings: The paper systematises the root causes of greenwashing, and thus paves the way for identifying principles and practices of an authentic sustainable communication.

Research limitations: The conceptual paper presents the typical limitations of the deductive approach based on literature review.

Practical implications: From the practical standpoint, the research provides several recommendations for decision-makers aimed at avoiding accusations of greenwashing and the negative associated consequences (e.g., scepticism among stakeholders).

Originality of paper: The study provides an incremental contribution to the extant knowledge of greenwashing as communication practice. The paper represents a first attempt to define guidelines for communication management of sustainable-oriented organizations aimed at reducing greenwashing risk.


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